Cindy Shuster Provides Support to Parents Raising Children
September 13, 2024
Hi, Cindy! Please share a brief introduction about yourself and your business:
Hi, I'm Cindy. I provide private and group coaching to parents who are struggling in some aspect of raising their children. In addition, I speak to groups of parents and Parent ERGs in the corporate setting on a multitude of topics related to child-rearing. The final aspect of my business is providing professional development to educators. Prior to earning my certification as a parent coach through the Parent Coach Institute, I was a classroom teacher for 10 years. Most importantly, I am a mom to 3 awesome young men who have taught me my best parenting lessons! I love being a part of a parent's transformational journey and helping to bring peace and joy into their homes.
Who are your customers?
Struggling parents, parent groups, schools and school districts, corporate parent ERG groups.
What made you take the leap to start your own business?
My own parenting journey was complex and challenging. I wanted to help other parents by sharing what I have learned so that their journey might be an easier one.
Did you always know you wanted to be an entrepreneur?
Not at all! It was a complete surprise to me that I became one.
Take us back to when you first launched your business; what was your marketing strategy to get the word out and did it go as planned?
I really didn't have one to be honest. I had no business background at all, and just started a major grassroots effort to get the word out. I reached out to pediatricians, PTAs, friends, mom groups, and offered to talk for free just to get parents to know I was a resource. Part of the training I went through required that I provide 100 hours of pro bono coaching, so several of those first "guinea pigs" started to refer me to their circle. I am still working on marketing and find it a continual challenge.
It's a journey for sure but we're always here to help! What is the biggest challenge you have encountered along the way so far and what have you learned from it?
In the beginning, my model was a per session fee and parents could schedule singular calls. I wasn't charging anywhere close to my value, and this session by session approach was ineffective. Life would get in the way and parents would put off scheduling until things got so bad again that they reached out. I wasn't helping them, and it wasn't a sustainable model. I learned to package my coaching and charge my value (still working on this!)
What accomplishment are the most proud of to date in your business?
Acquiring a year-long contract to train an entire staff at a local elementary school.
Congrats, Cindy! What's next for your business? What can we expect to see over the next few years?
I am working on writing my first book and expanding my outreach. I would like to become a go to thought leader in this space and want to secure speaking engagements for larger audiences.
That's a huge accomplishment! What is your top productivity tip?
I struggle with getting anything done unless it is planned out ahead of time and written down in my calendar. When I take the time to do this, the results are incredible!
On the flip side, how do you avoid burnout?
Commiserating with other solopreneurs, continuing education, planning for my downtime and taking it!
What is your approach to work-life balance / integration?
Luckily, my boys are all young men who are self-sufficient, so my time is mainly my own now. I have been working to outsource the aspects of my business that I find draining, and make family and friends a priority.
What is one thing you wish you had known when you started your Entreprenista journey?
I wish I had a stronger business background. I would have worked with a business coach to get the branding and launch locked in before I hung my shingle.
When hiring, what is your go-to interview question?
I don't really have one, as I don't have any employees. I do hire for website, seo, and social media help, and I do my best to thoroughly vet anyone I am paying money to for a service. I will ask them about other projects they have been a part of and what the tangible results were, and I always get a referral or two or three!
We know you're a Mamaprenista, so please share your best advice for simultaneously managing a business and a family:
My boys are a bit older, but I would say that it is super important to set boundaries both at home and at work. Most women really struggle with this and try to "do it all". This is not only impossible, it leads to burnout and resentment. Taking care of yourself is incredibly important. Many of the moms that I work with also have demanding jobs, and this is something I help them navigate all of the time. Setting up routines and structure at home that the whole family participated in can be a game-changer.
What is your favorite business tool or solution and why?
I switched website platforms last year to Wix which has been really great for my business. Before, I had several platforms I used to manage my business; Wordpress, Honeybook, Mailchimp, etc. With Wix, it is all under one roof and it gave me the abilty to create on line programs that can be evergreen.
What advice do you have for aspiring Entreprenistas?
Stay on the bus!