Kelly Garthwaite's One-Stop-Shop For Photo Needs
Founder of Hey Y'all! Consulting Co.
December 16, 2024
Please share a brief introduction about yourself and your business:
Hey! I'm Kelly! I've been a photo industry professional for quite a while now. Most recently, I led the Photo Team at Red Bull Media House and left in April to, first, take some time off and then create my own business. I launched Hey Y'all! Consulting Co., one-stop shop for all of your brand's photo management needs.
Who are your customers?
The brands I target are up-and-comers who do have funding to put behind leveling up their marketing assets. Coming from Red Bull, I've been connecting with brands in the beverage space, which is currently experiencing an incredible influx of new brands, making it an even more competitive market in which to rise to the top. I work with brands that I see a lot of potential within this space; they understand the benefits of creating incredible visuals and how they relate to long-term overall success.
What made you take the leap to start your own business?
First, my intuition kept telling me that I needed to at least give it a shot, otherwise I'd constantly be asking "what if?" Secondly, a major part of the pull came from having a strong desire to lead in an impactful way. I saw a hole in the market that matched my WHY, and that's when the magic really started to happen.
Did you always know you wanted to be an entrepreneur?
It's definitely always been in my heart and soul. I just needed to understand my direction a little better before taking the leap.
Take us back to when you first launched your business; what was your marketing strategy to get the word out and did it go as planned?
I started putting a lot of effort into expanding my network via LinkedIn about two years ago, and things really started growing from there. So, my marketing started before I even knew what I was marketing or what I was going towards.
What is the biggest challenge you have encountered along the way so far and what have you learned from it?
I only launched a month ago, so I'm still very much in the beginning stages of all of building my own business, but as of right now, the biggest wake up call has been expecting that because my network is big, then it would directly lead to a client straight away. I didn't automatically have clients beating down my door, but with every call and interaction where I am able to pitch myself and my business, I get more and more confident in and clear about what I am offering. It's so integral to my future success to be able to confidently speak about my business and why it's an important service, so I'm really grateful that it's working out like it is.
What accomplishment are the most proud of to date in your business?
Creating my own website, which I am really proud of considering that I'm not a designer, and launching it! I've taught myself SO much since I decided to create my business, and each thing is something I'll be able to take with me, and it all compounds on itself. I'm also super proud of how certain I am about what I'm offering. Throughout my life, I've talked myself out of what were probably good ideas simply because I saw hurdles along the way or didn't follow through because I wasn't confident enough. I'm realizing that I'm on the other side of that with this venture, and that's showing some incredible growth.
What's next for your business? What can we expect to see over the next few years?
I cannot WAIT to show up with some examples of brands who I've worked with that were able to invent themselves (or reinvent) themselves through their brand visuals. I'm excited for the success stories once things really get rolling! Thinking more long-term, I'd love to be able to scale up to a point where I can bring on a couple employees.
What is your top productivity tip?
I start the morning off in the sunshine and don't check my phone until my nervous system and mind are feeling calm and regulated. This helps set up my whole day on a positive trajectory.
On the flip side, how do you avoid burnout?
I could benefit from putting all of my devices down in the evenings and on the weekends. Especially in the last couple of years, I have burned out here and there, and it all connects back to the way my mind works. I'm always scheming, and I want to be able to help (and make time for) as many people as possible along the way. I need to be better about setting boundaries and setting more non-negotiables. Like, I'm into the idea of no-meeting Mondays and Fridays (or something like that).
What is your approach to work-life balance / integration?
I try to not start my meetings until after 11 AM PST, if I can help it. Obviously, that's not always going to be available as an option, but it allows me to enjoy a slower morning, take my dog for a walk, grab a latte. I'm not an early riser, and I prefer to not have to feel rushed, especially when I'm starting my day. Also, I love being free to work outside of traditional work hours if I feel inspired. Like, maybe I'll work on a Saturday afternoon and then I'll take a 2-hour lunch on a Tuesday.
What is one thing you wish you had known when you started your Entreprenista journey?
I just wish I had know about y'all sooner!
What's the one app on your phone you absolutely cannot live without and why?
What is your favorite business tool or solution and why?
Calendly. It's a GAME changer. I used to have to go between multiple calendars when I was working my corporate job + trying to do all this personal networking, and now I have everything centralized. It makes me want to cry tears of joy that someone created Calendly.
What advice do you have for aspiring Entreprenistas?
If you are feeling pulled to make your own venture come to life, then you must do it. Do not stay in a job that doesn't light you up for too, too long. Make an exit plan. Network. Post on LinkedIn. Use your voice. Get your name out there. People love things that feel familiar, so once they keep seeing your name, you'll be top of mind. Over time, you'll start to see the fruits of your labor.
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