HomePodcastBusiness Strategy

Creating the Perfect Ecosystem for Your Business with Carly Stein Kremer

CEO of Beekeepers Naturals

August 14, 2023

Hosted by



  • Carly reflects on the journey from leaving her job to running her company full-time 2:11
  • Carly shares her first steps towards building her business full-time 5:37 
  • The first product Carly created 6:22 
  • How Carly manufactured her product in the early days 8:03 
  • Carly provides a Propolis 101 9:11 
  • Carly discusses how her company has been able to support the bee community 11:19 
  • Carly walks through the evolution of her business tools 13:56 
  • Carly discusses the mistakes that gave her the most wisdom 18:06 
  • Carly explains why keeping calm is so important as a leader21:51
  • Carly discusses her leadership style and her ideal team member 24:18 
  • The importance of checking in with yourself and celebrating the little wins 29:36 
  • Carly shares her advice on impactful marketing strategies 32:43 
  • Where Carly focused her marketing efforts when she was first getting started 35:28 
  • Carly explains how she navigated getting her products in Farmer's Market 38:06 
  • Carly's favorite tools for collecting payments and running business operations 40:27 
  • Carly reflects on the craziest moment of her entrepreneurial career 44:30
  • Carly shares her 3 tips for founders that are attempting to raise capital right now 46:36 
  • What being an Entreprenista means to Carly 47:56

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